Has gone from skittish and cautious to curious and trusting of humans. Will need time and patience from his adopter. Very sweet, social & active kitten. Raised by mama Sugar in loving foster home. A real happy kitty. A two-tone dark gray and silver tabby with a gorgeous face and big, beautiful eyes! Pretty boy! Sweet, friendly. Purrs! Cute black spot on white chin resembles a freckle. A real charmer. A charmer! Very friendly. Sleeps on foster's lap. Loves people food and is a beggar. Very playful; chases ribbon. Playful and affectionate. Has been spayed. Comfortable with other kitties, but has never seen a dog. Happy indoor kitty. Sweet and affectionate. He has an orange pattern on his right side resembling a bird in flight. Cute torbie - combination of tabby and tortoiseshell. Being fostered in a loving home with 2 litter mates. Has not warmed up to us; is timid and fearful. Needs a special person to bring out her sweetness. Lots of white on this Calico. Quiet and shy little girl. Plays by herself, but gets along with other kittens. Sweet and friendly. Greets workers, volunteers and visitors when they enter his room. Loves pets, brushing and attention. Pretty darker gray classic tabby. Cuddly girl. Is receiving lots of love and attention in a foster home. Sweet, loving, intelligent. Makes people items her toys, then brings back to foster as a present. Extreme biscuit-maker. Sweet, quiet, keeps to herself. LOVES other cats! Raised around kids., but not cuddly. Obsessed with socks! Petite in size. Darling little cutie pie with neat tabby markings. He is receiving lots of love and attention in a foster home. Adorable gray tabby with lots of white. Gorgeous face. Large, pretty eyes seem to beg for attention and affection. A real lover! Likes sleeping on laps. Purrs easily. Gets along with other cats. Would enjoy a home with children. Being fostered in a loving home with 2 litter mates. Very sweet love bug. Paws at pants leg for attention. Beautiful Calico; mostly white. Gentle, calm, Patiently waits her turn to approach her human for alone time and affection. Smokie is a pretty little girl. She requires lots of human interaction. Has had medical issues, but is doing well now. Has always been shy and quite timid. Classic striped gray tabby. Being fostered in a loving home with 2 litter mates. Tally is very sweet. Taylor is slowly warming up. He needs lots of TLC. Born in a foster home. Raised in perfect environment. Friendly and playful. Foster says he is tiny little spark plug. Handsome, big boy! Very loving; enjoys cuddling. Favorite pasttime: taking over his owner's chair and making it his own. Pretty girl. Easy going and curious. Handsome gray striped tabby. So cute and cuddly. Being well cared for in a loving foster home. Unfortunately, Windy has never gotten over her fright and distrust of people. She loves being with other cats. Truly stunning older kitten. Best biscuit-maker. Loves to shower humans and cat friends with affection and admiration. Energetic; playful.